I hope everyone's doing well. After inviting everyone out last February to get together, listen to some live music and celebrate turning 30, I assumed it would be a one time thing. But for the last few months I've had several people ask me if we were going to do it again this year. While I initially dismissed it, the idea has been growing on me lately, so it looks like we're going to go ahead and do it again in 2010 for my 31st. It feels a little strange, like I think I'm so important that we need to celebrate my birth, but in reality it's just an excuse to get all of you together and party :)


Food, drinks and live music. Ben Hoppes will be playing again, and we also have local blues/funk/gospel group The Vivone Band on the bill. There will be no cover charge this year. The bands will likely not get paid other than by what gets left in the band tip jar, so please drop some cash in if you can swing it.


Friday, February 19th, 2010.


Coda (formerly known as Jilly's) is a newly renovated little bar a few blocks south of I-70 on Broadway. It's smaller than what we had last year, but I'm not expecting as huge of a turnout this year so it'll work well. They have a full dinner menu that they serve until 9pm, then they serve appetizers only from 9-12. It's also in a nicer part of town compared to last year.


The schedule for the evening will be as follows:

  • 08:00 PM - official start
  • 09:30 PM - Ben Hoppes performs
  • 10:30 PM - intermission
  • 11:00 PM - The Vivone Band performs
  • 12:00 AM - hijinks ensue
  • 01:30 AM - finish


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- Jeremy Clark